Vihana’s Keep the dreaded corona away poem

 Beware! Beware!   

Be aware of corona. 

The tiny virus that loves to live inside of us.

Flying from body to body to body like a butterfly flying from flower to flower but don’t be scared rather practice social distancing.

So remember don’t panic or it will get worse.

So just be careful, mindful and watchful and you will be all right.

When you need to step out stop and check,

Check for what?

The precautions of course.

Number one you need your mask 

Number two you need your sanitizer. 

And remember you can’t forget these no no no. 

And the 

 Important part is don’t touch that beautiful face of yours.

How about you try these to keep the dreaded corona away.

1. You have to steam the corona away.

2. You have to gargle with salted warm water so the corona stays away.

3. You have to exercise to make your lungs stronger.


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